www.faq-blitzortung.org is down

1) On the page https://forum.blitzortung.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=10
The first link to "FAQ - Blitzortung" leads to http://www.faq-blitzortung.org/ which doesn't work ...

2) The French forum requires one to know the ingredients for couscous as part of its captcha during the signup process, which I am embarrassed to say I can't figure out, despite living in France -- if you know anyone there, maybe you could suggest they use a blurry street number instead like your own forum does.

Many thanks!
The FAQ has been closed, but we forgot to remove the link. Thanks for the hint! You can find most information in the project description or here in the forum.

For information about the French forum you have to contact the administrator (flc85 here).
Stations: 538, 1534, 1712, 2034, 2219, 3044
Hallo Tobi,

Many thanks for the info -- it seems I don't have the necessary rights send a private message to flc85, and the French forum doesn't let me contact anyone either without registering first, and this leads to a vicious circle since after several attempts I am not able to get the couscous recipe right to be able to complete the registration!
(2014-10-11, 08:48)joncas Wrote: Hallo Tobi,

Many thanks for the info -- it seems I don't have the necessary rights send a private message to flc85, and the French forum doesn't let me contact anyone either without registering first, and this leads to a vicious circle since after several attempts I am not able to get the couscous recipe right to be able to complete the registration!


I just read your thread. I sent a message to the administrator of the French forum

Hope it helps
Stations: 1475

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