Folks, please see
Quote:Unfortunately, these GREEN detectors can not record all needed signal information. This is one of the main advantages of System RED and BLUE which becomes increasingly important for improving the location quality. That is, the significance of the GREEN stations is already decreasing and will decrease in future. However, we can continue for a longer time the assignment of the GREEN signals to the computed strikes, but also want to announce all honesty, that the GREEN stations will not further contribute to the computations sometime when we have enough RED and BLUE station. This might already happen this year.The developers are into operational tests of prototype BLUE, and the servers may have been adapted in certain instances to process this new data... although no such announcement has been made, to the best of my knowledge... the GREEN data will certainly be utilized as long as possible, but will at some point be phased out... it may be 'accidental' at the present time, so we'll have to wait for developer's response, but this information goes back several months... to February of this year.
We announce this information already now such that all GREEN users have enough time to think about a change. We also hope that you understand our decision that we will not create new accounts for system GREEN detectors. Our aim is to substitute these detectors and not to change the owners. All participants with a running GREEN station will treated preferentially and probably get some special advantages when they want to exchange their station into a BLUE one. Wink