Ad Free Experience

I am new here and I have got to say I love this service. I work in an airport and I use this website to track storms and give customers information. I would really like to see an ad-free version and even willing to pay, but am I correct to assume this is not an option? Any way to go ad free?
This service should never be trusted or used for such a purpose. Please read
Mike W.
Stations: 1977, 2294
(2019-04-15, 20:12)JetSetDev Wrote: Hello,

I am new here and I have got to say I love this service. I work in an airport and I use this website to track storms and give customers information. I would really like to see an ad-free version and even willing to pay, but am I correct to assume this is not an option? Any way to go ad free?

Please read the disclaimers here

The data provided by is for entertainment purposes only. We are not liable for the completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy of the information on our website. We are not responsible for damages, resulting from trusting the content of our website or its use. The data of is not suitable for a plausibility check in insurance matters and it is not intended for protection of life and property! You must contact a commercial lightning data provider in such cases!
[Image: NOAARADlogoTXT80.png]

Stations: 2100, 2954
(2019-04-15, 20:20)mwaters Wrote: This service should never be trusted or used for such a purpose. Please read

I use it only for personal interest. Not for aircraft planning or dispatching.

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