Using System Blue with Mac computers
For the last 13 years, I have used exclusively Mac computers and don't intend to change back to Windows or Unix for the foreseeable future. If I purchase a System Blue to become a station in the Haut Var in France (Tourtour), which is a lightning hot spot, with my house being hit by lightning twice in 12 years, are there versions of the software to work with Mac computers? I would very much prefer not to install virtualisation software such as Parallels or Fusion + Windows or Boot Camp, given the problems this has caused in the past, when I installed Parallels then Fusion plus Windows 8 to try and run medical practice management software, only available in a Windows version. Boot Camp, Apple's own version of a Windows operation partition, caused different but as many problems, particularly with running daily back ups. 

As a newbie to Lightning detection, any advice would be most welcome. 


PS Is the final price of the System Blue kit announced yet?
Hello Wilson and welcome.

System blue is still under development so we don't know the price yet.
We can speculate on the fact that it is a hobby so it has to be accessible for most people. The price of RED was about 200€.

The system does not require any computer software, it is totally independent and manageable via any web browser.
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
(2015-08-26, 12:57)DelandeC Wrote: Hello Wilson and welcome.

System blue is still under development so we don't know the price yet.
We can speculate on the fact that it is a hobby so it has to be accessible for most people. The price of RED was about 200€.

The system does not require any computer software, it is totally independent and manageable via any web browser.

Many thanks for that info. It must just have been that all the screen shots I had seen, were using MS Internet Explorer. I have Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers available on various Macs. I suspect it may be next year then before I get set up, although dependent when the Kit comes out, this would allow me to assemble it over the winter when I am back in the UK. I must remember to take back the two reels of Mundorf silver/tin/gold solder with me from France.

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