Lightning rarely shows in Sydney, Australia
(2024-06-06, 10:43)prune Wrote: Hi all. I've loved using lightningmaps over the last five years or so, mainly in the UK. I'm now based in Sydney, Australia, and have noticed that lightning that I can see and hear myself just does not show on lightningmaps or blitzortung. There looks to be adequate receiver coverage.

There is plenty of lightning popping up on the map about 400km north (Port Macquarie). I don't know what the weather is actually like there right now though.

Anyone know what is going on?

first, your attachment deleted, was NOT a Map screenshot, appeared to be an Insurance coverage query email...
This is what Sydney area displayed at 1109 UTC today...
as well as the offshore activity up at Port Macquarie...

Perhaps most of your Sydney observations were not C-G strokes, the nearby stations were not collecting data as activity was too strong, and / or not enough more distant stations (>50km) were reading impulses to locate.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

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RE: Lightning rarely shows in Sydney, Australia - by cutty - 2024-06-06, 11:24

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