This forum is Primarily for registered Blitzortung Operators, and much of it's content is only available to Blitzortung Operators. It is generally a 'technical' website, not a social or commercial platform. The "Public" forums are general "courtesy" (or rare specific "Problem" solving) boards, with the exception of the 'Non-English' board, which should be viewed as an "exception" and used on a limited basis....The default Project Language is English by general scientific convention.
Guests and Non-Operators ("Regostered Forum Member") have limited privileges, and all posted links are monitored for appropriate content, type. "Blitzortung Operators" and more 'elevated" groups have abilkity to add website links, etc. Blitzortung operators are encouraged to add their 'weather related' or Blitzortung specific website lins in both thier profile, and their signaturre... but Operators only have the signature privilege.
Guests and Non-Operators ("Regostered Forum Member") have limited privileges, and all posted links are monitored for appropriate content, type. "Blitzortung Operators" and more 'elevated" groups have abilkity to add website links, etc. Blitzortung operators are encouraged to add their 'weather related' or Blitzortung specific website lins in both thier profile, and their signaturre... but Operators only have the signature privilege.