Blue also has GPS synced NTP server, which could be useful.
You may want to message Egon with your desires, his email is posted different places.
Once your Blue station is operational, on the Blue station's web interface there is link with details about registration of the system.
You might be able to use the lightning data from Blitzortung for post processing of SKASA data, but you would need to create your own solution.
There are rules about using Blitzortung data, make sure you are not going to break the rules.
You may want to message Egon with your desires, his email is posted different places.
Once your Blue station is operational, on the Blue station's web interface there is link with details about registration of the system.
You might be able to use the lightning data from Blitzortung for post processing of SKASA data, but you would need to create your own solution.
There are rules about using Blitzortung data, make sure you are not going to break the rules.