Low Pass Filter problems

I have bought 3 off digital filter ICs but have one problem and a question.

E-Field Problem
When I select the LP filter on the E-field I just see loads of 50Hz noise.  Clearly there is an open circuit on the LP filter output, but I have been all round the chip and all connections are okay.  I am thinking it is further on in the circuit. 

Has anyone had this problem and could suggest where the open circuit might be? Alternatively I can trace the signal if I had a circuit and layout diagram.  I am an electronics engineer and have access to a full workshop with lots of test kit.

H-field question
I installed LP filters on H1 and H2, they are working great and set to 16kHz, they cut my noise from 60mV to 16mV.  However, I expected the thresholds to reduce, but they haven't, so whilst I have really low noise, I actually detect less signals as the signal peaks have been smoothed a little and now don't make the thresholds.

I am running in auto mode, should I be in manual and are there any suggested settings?



Messages In This Thread
Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-10-20, 19:54
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-10-21, 08:21
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by allsorts - 2016-10-21, 16:34
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by Ranieri - 2016-10-22, 07:14
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-10-21, 22:17
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by allsorts - 2016-10-21, 23:53
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by allsorts - 2016-10-22, 18:55
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-10-25, 21:23
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by allsorts - 2016-10-25, 22:14
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-10-31, 22:18
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-11-02, 17:56
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by DrRobin - 2016-11-02, 18:05
RE: Low Pass Filter problems - by allsorts - 2016-11-02, 22:04

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